Sunday, October 11, 2015

YSL Rouge Pur Couture Lipsticks Review

I was kindly chosen by Influenster to be a participant in what they call a VoxBox, where they send me products, complimentary of their behalf, to test and review items of their choice.
This time around, I was given the opportunity to try out some luxury beauty. 
The new Yves Saint Laurent Rouge Pur Couture lipsticks are relatively new in the beauty world, and rightfully so.

09 Rose Stiletto

In the past year, matte lips have been the craze- everyone has been rocking them like it was going out of style... maybe because it is time once again for shiny lips to reign supreme.
These two lipsticks pack a punch like none other. Not only are they saturated with color, but the levels of shine that these show off would convince anyone that they are wearing a gloss. The lasting power of these lipsticks are standard to any lipstick you may own. The catch with these is this: since they are so shiny/glossy, you would expect them to slip off much easier, but they do not. I put these up to the test with some delicious spaghetti. Although the shine dissipated, the actual product still remained on my lips. A nice stain was left behind by the end of the night, and there was no embarrassing ring around my lips, like some lipsticks tend to do.
 19 Fuchsia

Yes, there are some downsides to consider. If you are sensitive to smells, then this was has a very distinct scent of roses. Not everyone will enjoy that, but I certainly do. They are $36 dollars a lipstick, and yes, that is expensive. Not everyone can afford to purchase these, and that is definitely a deal breaker for so many. 
However, I will say that these will definitely be a staple in anyone's collection, and if a luxe items is what one wants, them I would direct the attention to these beauties. 

Over all, the plush, luxurious feeling of these lipsticks are not only unforgettable, they moisturize the lips like none other. With a hyper pigmented-glossy finish, you'll understand what it is to own a YSL Rouge Pur Couture lipstick, because you've never felt something like this on your lips before. 

If you're are interested in trying out amazing, high quality products like these for free, check out Influenster! You'll be amazed at the things they will send you!